Thursday, June 24, 2010

Do Mermaids Smoke Seaweed?

I can't afford seaweed today.

Maybe She's Born With It, Maybe It's Seaweed

"Nutritional Benefits of Seaweed"

Here is a very informative article from

What's so good about Seaweed Anway?

"Some beneficial nutrients in seaweed include organic (photo-synthetic) vitamins, trace minerals, lipids, plant sterols, amino acids, omega-3 and omega-6, anti-oxidants, growth hormones, polyphenols, and flavenoids. Seaweed also contains Fucoidan, Laminarin, and Alginate compounds. Studies suggest that these are anti-biotic and anti-viral. Land plants do not contain these photochemicals."

Antibiotic and anti-viral! Seaweed is the new cure-all.

Get that Alginol, supplement.

"What if I told you that one simple nutrient can improve your cholesterol, boost circulation, enhance memory and mental sharpness, and even help you sleep better?"

A good book about the weed:

Seaweed: A
User's Guide

Also, It's a great treat for kitties.

Trader Joe's Roasted Seaweed

On the second Saturday of June 2010, seaweed packages appeared on Snack Avenue at a Trader Joe's grocer in Arcadia (the Rosemead Boulevard location.)

It was the second time I'd spotted the product. The first sighting was in January, when I was living in a master bedroom owned by a 5-person family. The family rented out their extra rooms, and during my two-week stay I discovered the open-face shopping centers across the street. The following afternoons, I would walk a mile from my home-stay to reach the Trader Joe's on Rosemead because I liked to exercise
and because I had added a new playlist to my portable mp3 player.

I like healthy snacks.

In January, I examined the package. The seaweed was padded with sesame oil and extra salt. A single serving listed 60 calories, 4 grams of fat and 100 milligrams of sodium.


In June, I didn't mind, and paid ninety-nine cents.

The container was three-dimensional. I properly used its serrated-teeth to get beneath the aluminum wrapper. The Opening showed a hard plastic mold, and size 3-by-2 inch rectangles of seaweed, in a row.

Trader Joe's Roasted Seaweed was beside a product called Sesame Crepes, which I did not care for.

On the third Saturday of June, I went back to Rosemead Boulevard, and saw extra sesame crepes, and their advertisement overlapping most of a different white price sign.

I should have purchased two.

Algae Asunder

I felt much better about my day after I'd stopped at Ralph's (the California grocery chain that dominates my Los Angeles suburb.)

An aisle that faces the bread shelves, it's stocked against the salsa-side. I only notice because that side of the aisle literally sticks out, and the pile of tortillas on display are messy.

We felt much better about my purchase after I collapsed on my bed,
an evening to be followed by another.

I thought out loud,
is free weed,
and shoved the drug in the back of my throat.

Seaweed Uterus

PS I heard if you eat seaweed soup after you have a baby your uterus shrinks.

Best Seaweed

Regular Salt

My new obsession is eating seaweed.

Here is a poem about seaweed:

I need
no more smokes
or nose bleeds
All natural from the ocean
don't forget suntan lotion
and a seawead snack
The salt will increase your rack
and by rack I mean boobs

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Seaweed for Everyday Life

Seaweed is sold in full sheets, half sheets, guppy-size shreds, and wrapped-around rice as part of microwaveable sushi meals.

Seaweed is found in soups.

If you do not salivate at the sight of seaweed, proceed with caution: a dry, toasted bite may become stuck to to the roof of your mouth. You may feel gums pain as you try to scrape away the thin wad with your nail.

Seaweed is salted, or oiled, and seasoned for a snack.

Here, we will document all of our experiences with seaweed.